Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sycorax and Hazel?

My last blog was a somewhat frantic exploration of the idea that Pale Fire is infused with The Tempest everywhere.  I still believe this, however, I now want to take into account Ashley’s idea that Hazel is the perpetrator or motivator of the creation of Pale Fire. Perhaps it is Hazel, and not Shade, Kinbote or even Nabokov who may be seen as the Prospero figure.  The supernatural experiences, namely the ghost incident that lasted a month on the commentary to line 230 and the barn scene on the commentary to line 347, clearly set her aside from the other characters operating in the novel and share in Prospero’s magical abilities.  But beyond this, perhaps her negative capability to influence everything and remain elusive, as I attributed to Nabokov in my last blog, removes her from any central character.  Maybe she is more like Sycorax, who may be seen as a foil for Prospero, who is removed long before The Tempest begins and yet is the primary reason the tempest and The Tempest exist.  Sycorax is a witch long dead and removed from the island in The Tempst  before the play begins.  However, it is presumed that her existence and supernatural powers are learned from Prospero to create.  In this sense, perhaps it is Shade or Kinbote who embody the Prospero character more.  After all, Kinbote does exclaim how, “Hazel Shade resembled me in certain respects” (commentary to lines 347-8) when discussing mirror words and noting that redips is the backwards of spider.  Interesting enough it is the words of spells within books that allow Prospero to learn the magic that belonged originally to Sycorax.  By understanding the same language they are both able to create.  Or perhaps it is Shade or maybe he is the Ariel character who actually puts the magic into motion...clearly these are more discombobulated thoughts...more on this to come.  

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